Can we just keep Summer?

Oh I love Summer, think about everything she brings to you, tomatoes and veggies from the garden and wonderful memories of playing tag with your neighborhood friends…

To the beautiful blooms she gives you during her hot summer days. To create the flowers we use in these gorgeous wedding bouquets.

Summer! AKA Wedding Season! Oh, how I wish you’d never end.

Your biggest admirer,



Let's Gather in the Porch

Time to get rid of all those dried up Holiday Planters and Step into Spring with Pussy Willow Branches and Eucalyptus! #Springplanters #Containergardens #Amyrevak


Window Jammin"

I had a blast playing with window boxes this year! I used spruce tops, oregonia, cedar, magnolia, and seeded euclayptus. I love all the contrast and the cascading cedar. #amyrevak#windowbox#christmasdecor,#festive#holiday#iloveflowers


Wreath Making 101

All you need is some greens, paddle wire and a sturdy frame.

A Pool noodle base?? What?? Tell me how??? First, gather 9 pool noodles at the dollar store. Use duct tape to tape them together, 2 on the bottom and 1 on the top of the two. Do this in sections of three, then tape the 3 sections together. This crea…

A Pool noodle base?? What?? Tell me how??? First, gather 9 pool noodles at the dollar store. Use duct tape to tape them together, 2 on the bottom and 1 on the top of the two. Do this in sections of three, then tape the 3 sections together. This creates your wreath base. Now, get some killer wallpaper (magnolia Perhaps???) grab 2 or 3 kinds the go together. This will help create dimension and interest. In this wreath, I sprinkled in some craft paper. Now, cut about 200 leaves and make a crease in all the them. Once you’re done cutting and creasing, attach the leaves with hot glue at the end of the leaf and pressing it against the pool noodle. Remember, to cover the noodle completely. This is so EASY! You can go crazy, add berries, lights, or moss. The only limit is your imagination! Ready set GO!

Time to think Holiday Greens! I love everything about this time of year.

I can almost smell the evergreens! I love, love, love it! This traditional lady is jam-packed with spruce tips, oregonia, cedar and jaybanches, and plain old happiness. This lady makes me so happy when i’m driving up to my home. When everything else has lost it’s battle with the snow and bitter cold. There she is, waiting to put a smile on my face. Happy Holidays!


Pompous…Pampas for Fall

A new Season, the sun is starting to set earlier, clouds are getting darker, and a chill is in the air. That means, it’s time to switch up all the planters! Whooo Hooooo…This year, the plant I’m drawn to, is this Pampas Grass. I love it’s wispy nature, it’s height, and how long it lasts in the Fall. Did I mention, no watering for this planter?? Now, I’ll have extra time to relax and have some Cider. Cheers to Fall.
